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Community Service Opportunities

Volunteer Match: This is a great site that allows you to search for opportunities in areas of interest to you.

St. Johns County Non Profit Organizations: These are local non profit organizations looking for volunteers.

St. Johns County School District Volunteer Website: This is the school district’s website where they promote community service opportunities.

Ability Tree First Coast is looking for volunteers for the following:

  • Buddy @Parents Night Out (respite night for parents to have a break from caregiving)
  • Buddy @Summer Camp for Kids (K-5th grades) & Youth (6th – 12th grades)
  • Help at community events, socials, festivals, & vendor fairs
  • Lead virtual Socials (games, dance breaks, karaoke nights)
  • Photographer for events

See the volunteer criteria here: Basic Volunteer Criteria, Application available here: Volunteer Application

American Heart Association Teen of Impact Program: National Teen of Impact Recognition Flier and Teen of Impact One Page Overview

Athletics can use volunteer ticket takers. Sign up to be a Volunteer Ticket Taker!

Brooks Rehab Summer Volunteen Program (Application Required): Brooks Flyer

Care Connect Delivery Drivers: Care Connect Flier

Flagler Hospital: This special summer program for teenage volunteers offers a unique opportunity for students to learn about their local hospital and engage in positive community service activity.  During this program students will be paired with our dedicated auxiliary members to experience 4 different hospital service areas: Emergency Department, Patient Transport, Out Patient Surgery, and Care Connect.  Students will experience the healthcare setting and perform a wide array of tasks ranging from discharging patients to learning about some of the social issues that affect health care.   Get additional information here: Jr Volunteer Cover Letter 2022 , 2022 Jr. Volunteer Application

Habitat St. Johns:

Habitat St. Johns has volunteer opportunities for teens who are at least 16 years old, and have adult supervision if they are under 18.

We are developing a whole neighborhood—Volusia Woods in West Augustine—and on any given day, we need volunteers to help with different houses in various stages of completion. We always need help with painting and cleaning up! No prior experience is necessary—we provide tools and training. On nice days we work outside, and if it’s raining or really cold, we’ll work indoors.

A typical work day is from 7:45 – 3:00, but if someone can only come for a partial day, we can work with that. We welcome individuals and groups on Tuesdays through Saturdays. If a club or sports team wants to set up a Team Build day, I can schedule that in advance and close the day to the general public. I’ll send a link that students can use to sign up for that day specifically.

All volunteers need to go to our website and fill out a very short volunteer application and a safety form, and minors need to have a parent or guardian also sign a minor waiver. Here’s a link to that web page:


Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra Flier– Become an usher with the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra.


Museum of Science and History:

MOSH will have applications open for the Teen Volunteer Program from February 4 to February 28. We welcome high schoolers ages 14 and older to apply to become volunteers!


Volunteers 14 and older learn to lead activities on the museum floor and help us prepare for summer camps and programming. Volunteers 15 and older may elect to attend additional summer camp training and serve as counselors-in-training, helping our teachers and counselors lead activities with our summer camp students.


We are excited to welcome students from across Jacksonville for a summer filled with developing public speaking, teaching, and leadership skills. For students interested in applying, please visit the MOSH volunteer website ( or click the link below on February 4 to apply.


Teen Volunteer Application:



Picolata Crossing Morning Mentoring Program:

Signup Genius:


Salvation Army


Shoes for Homeless Youth Ambassador Program

Our Volunteer Youth Ambassador Program is a free, national program and an opportunity for students to earn 24+ community service hours, build their college applications, learn leadership, research and public speaking skills, and directly help the homeless in their communities. Our program is offered year-round and requires no experience.


Small Lives Matter Kitten Rescue

We are in need volunteers.  All our adoptable cat and kittens are residents at the Frisky Cat Café.  We need volunteers on weekends and weekday evenings to help with our clean and feed 5 PM evening.  There are opportunities shifts adoption events at the café and lounge attendants to ensuring the guests are kind to our cats.  This is an ideal service for teenagers who enjoy animals to volunteer.

Our volunteer application can be found at this link:

Here are a few more details regarding the volunteer opportunities.


St. Augustine Aquarium:

St. Augustine Aquarium is looking for volunteers for their “Night of Lights” events.  Sign up to help here: December 14 & 21 Sign Up List!


St. Augustine Lighthouse:

We will host a 5-week camp program this summer and are looking for student volunteers to help.

We plan to 4 Junior Counselors weekly to assist with childcare and supervision from 8:45 to 4:15 pm.

Application Requirements: St. Augustine Lighthouse

Application Link: St. Augustine Lighthouse Application

Sign up here for summer 2025 volunteering here: Summer 2025 Sign Up Link


USLHS Social Media Flier –  The United States Lighthouse Society is looking for enthusiastic high school volunteers to contribute their TikTok and Instagram skills to social media campaign development, content creation, and engagement initiatives promoting our nations lighthouses and our maritime heritage. Volunteers will have the opportunity to gain experience for future employers, build relationships for letters of recommendation, and contribute to a national non-profit organization. Students will receive verified volunteer hours that can count towards Bright Futures scholarships and national honor societies, and can coordinate with their supervisor for a flexible, manageable schedule. Comfort operating TikTok and Instagram required; advanced skills creating videos, stories, and edited posts preferred.