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Chapter 35 Dependent Education Assistance Process

Chapter 35 Dependent Education Assistance Process

  1. Apply for Chapter 35 benefit for student via VA Form 22-5490 or online at If eligible, VA will provide the student with a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) via USPS mail.
  2. Submit COE to TCHS School Certifying Official (SCO).
  3. The SCO will submit the 5-month enrollment for eligible students who have provided their COE to the Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA) via Enrollment Manager. Note – maximum benefit while in high-school is 5 months and student must be 18 years of age at the time the benefit is to begin. If the student has less than 5 months remaining until graduation prior to their 18th birthday, a reduced benefit can be approved for the available months until graduation.
  4. Once enrolled, student may track the status of their benefit via their account.

Contact your School Certifying Offical, Kristina Johnson.